http://bbs.csdn.net/topics/390649166?page=1#post-396149924 表结构 id ids 1 3,8,83,92,215,7 传入一个值8,92要取出3,83,215,7 即是取出不存在于传入ID串其它所有ID都取出来. 请问这个SELECT 语语应该怎么写。
drop table t go create table t(id int, ids varchar(100)) insert into t select 1 , '3,8,83,92,215,7' go declare @a varchar(100) = '8,7' ;with tt as ( select id, ids,@a+',' as a,ids+',' as ids_t from t where ids like ('%' + REPLACE(@a,',', '%') + '%') ), ttt as ( select id,ids, cast(a as varchar(max)) as a, cast(ids_t as varchar(max)) as ids_t , 1 as level from tt union all select id,ids, cast(stuff(a,1,charindex(',',a),'') as varchar(max)) , cast(replace(ids_t,left(a,charindex(',',a)),'') as varchar(max)), level + 1 from ttt where charindex(',',a) > 0 ) select id, ids_t from ( select id, ids,left(ids_t,len(ids_t)-1) as ids_t, ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by id order by level desc) as rownum from ttt )a where rownum = 1 /* id ids_t 1 3,83,92,215 */
start_time end_time 2013-09-11 17:26:02.382 2013-09-24 10:38:01.41 2013-09-18 17:02:40.444 2013-09-22 15:27:58.984 2013-09-18 08:21:32.036 2013-09-22 15:31:52.499 2013-09-13 16:28:29.832 2013-09-16 09:41:47.988 2013-09-09 10:59:59.835 2013-09-10 14:06:21.223 要求计算这两个列的时间差 但是要去除9月份的正常休假并且只计算正常工作时间(上午8:30--12:00 下午14:00--18:00) 计算结果如下: start_time end_time diff_time(小时) 2013-09-11 17:26:02.382 2013-09-24 10:38:01.41 55.1 2013-09-18 17:02:40.444 2013-09-22 15:27:58.984 5.9 2013-09-18 08:21:32.036 2013-09-22 15:31:52.499 12.5 2013-09-13 16:28:29.832 2013-09-16 09:41:47.988 2.7 2013-09-09 10:59:59.835 2013-09-10 14:06:21.223 1.1 请各位大大帮忙看看这个时间差应该怎么计算 谢谢了
if object_id('tab') is not null drop table tab if object_id('holiday') is not null drop table holiday go create table tab(start_time datetime,end_time datetime) insert into tab select '2013-09-11 17:26:02.382','2013-09-24 10:38:01.41' union select '2013-09-18 17:02:40.444','2013-09-22 15:27:58.984' union select '2013-09-18 08:21:32.036','2013-09-22 15:31:52.499' union select '2013-09-13 16:28:29.832','2013-09-16 09:41:47.988' union select '2013-09-09 10:59:59.835','2013-09-09 14:06:21.223' create table holiday(h_date datetime) insert into holiday select '2013-09-01' union select '2013-09-07' union select '2013-09-08' union select '2013-09-14'union select '2013-09-15'union select '2013-09-19'union select '2013-09-20'union select '2013-09-21'union select '2013-09-29' go WITH calendar --产生日历 AS ( SELECT CAST('2013-09-01' as varchar(10)) AS r --月份的开始日期 UNION ALL SELECT convert(VARCHAR(10),dateadd(day,1,r),120) FROM calendar WHERE r < '2013-09-30' --月份的结束日期 ), tt --计算时间间隔,单位为秒 as ( SELECT t.start_time, t.end_time, c.r, h.h_date, /* 通过tab表和calendar表的关联,就能把开始时间到结束时间,多对应的多天, 都给关联出来, 比如开始时间 2013-09-18 08:21:32.037 结束时间 2013-09-22 15:31:52.500, 其实就是,18、19、20、21、22这一共5天,会由原来的1条记录,现在变为5条记录。 如果h_date为null,说明这一天不是假日, 就需要计算时间间隔,有几种可能性: 1.开始时间和结束时间,在同一天的 2.当前日期和开始日期相同 3.当前日期和结束日期相同 4.当前日期是在开始日期和结束日期之间的某天 如果h_date是null,那么返回0,说明是节假日,就不用计算时间间隔了 */ case when h_date IS null and convert(varchar(10),t.start_time_temp,120) = c.r and CONVERT(varchar(10),t.end_time_temp,120) = c.r then case when convert(varchar(5),t.start_time_temp,114) between '08:30' and '12:00' and not (convert(varchar(5),t.end_time_temp,114) between '08:30' and '12:00') then DATEDIFF(second,t.start_time_temp,c.r +' 12:00:00') else 0 end + case when convert(varchar(5),t.end_time_temp,114) between '14:00' and '18:00' and not (convert(varchar(5),t.start_time_temp,114) between '14:00' and '18:00') then DATEDIFF(second,c.r+' 14:00:00',t.end_time_temp) else 0 end + case when (convert(varchar(5),t.start_time_temp,114) between '08:30' and '12:00' and convert(varchar(5),t.end_time_temp,114) between '08:30' and '12:00') or (convert(varchar(5),t.end_time_temp,114) between '14:00' and '18:00' and convert(varchar(5),t.start_time_temp,114) between '14:00' and '18:00') then DATEDIFF(SECOND,t.start_time_temp,t.end_time_temp) else 0 end /* 注意下面的计算逻辑是,如果这天不是假日,同时与开始日期相同 那么就要计算时间间隔,如果时间是在上午的工作时间范围内, 那么用当前日期的12点,减去开始日期,就是时间间隔,但还必须要加上下午的工作时间, 也就是4个小时,转化为秒数,就是4*3600 */ when h_date IS null and convert(varchar(10),t.start_time_temp,120) = c.r then case when convert(varchar(5),t.start_time_temp,114) between '08:30' and '12:00' then DATEDIFF(second,t.start_time_temp,c.r +' 12:00:00') + 4 * 3600 else 0 end + case when convert(varchar(5),t.start_time_temp,114) between '14:00' and '18:00' then DATEDIFF(second,t.start_time_temp,c.r +' 18:00:00') else 0 end when h_date IS null and CONVERT(varchar(10),t.end_time_temp,120) = c.r then case when convert(varchar(5),t.end_time_temp,114) between '08:30' and '12:00' then DATEDIFF(second,c.r +' 08:30:00',t.end_time_temp) else 0 end + case when convert(varchar(5),t.end_time_temp,114) between '14:00' and '18:00' then DATEDIFF(second,c.r +' 14:00:00',t.end_time_temp) + 3.5 * 3600 else 0 end when h_date is null and convert(varchar(10),t.start_time_temp,120) < c.r and CONVERT(varchar(10),t.end_time_temp,120) > c.r then 7.5 * 3600 when h_date IS null then 0 end as seconds FROM ( /* 这里之所以要转换,是由于有些时间比如 start_time为2013-09-18 08:21:32.037, 不在正常工作时间(上午8:30--12:00 下午14:00--18:00)内, 所以要先转化为正常工作时间,否则后面的case when的逻辑判断就太复杂了。 */ SELECT start_time, end_time, case when CONVERT(varchar(5),start_time,114) < '08:30' then cast(CONVERT(varchar(10),start_time,120) + ' 08:30:00' AS datetime) when CONVERT(varchar(5),start_time,114) between '12:00' and '14:00' then cast(CONVERT(varchar(10),start_time,120) + ' 12:00:00' AS datetime) else start_time end as start_time_temp, case when CONVERT(varchar(5),end_time,114) between '12:00' and '14:00' then cast(CONVERT(varchar(10),end_time,120) + ' 12:00:00' AS datetime) when CONVERT(varchar(5),end_time,114) > '18:00' then cast(CONVERT(varchar(10),end_time,120) + ' 18:00:00' AS datetime) else end_time end as end_time_temp FROM tab ) t inner join calendar c on convert(varchar(10),t.start_time,120) <= c.r and convert(varchar(10),t.end_time,120) >= c.r left join holiday h on c.r = h.h_date --OPTION(MAXRECURSION 1000) --限制最大递归次数 ) --select * from tt select start_time, end_time, --汇总秒数,同时转化为小时 cast(round(SUM(seconds) / 3600 ,1,1) as numeric(10,1)) as diff_time from tt group by start_time, end_time /* start_time end_time diff_time 2013-09-09 10:59:59.837 2013-09-09 14:06:21.223 1.1 2013-09-13 16:28:29.833 2013-09-16 09:41:47.987 2.7 2013-09-18 17:02:40.443 2013-09-22 15:27:58.983 5.9 2013-09-18 08:21:32.037 2013-09-22 15:31:52.500 12.5 2013-09-11 17:26:02.383 2013-09-24 10:38:01.410 55.1 */